[コンプリート!] greenhouse effect greenhouse gas emissions diagram 349457
Greenhouse Effect Contents Atmosphere Key Terms Gases Causes Effects Atmosphere Exosphere Thermosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere Troposphere Lowest portion of earth's atmosphere 75% of the entire atmosphere mass Water Vapor Aerosols 0 km – 10 km Depth ~ 10 km Warmer nearest earth Colder the further you go Travel Back to the Atmosphere StratosphereOceanographer Josh Willis discusses the heat capacity of water, performs an experiment to demonstrate heat capacity using a water balloon and describes how water's ability to store heat affects Earth's climate Video Oceans of Climate Change Carbon dioxide is the main heattrapping greenhouse gas that humans emit This article tries to answer a question about the greenhouse effect "Greenhouse gases prevent the infrared rays from leaving the Earth's atmosphere, but why do they not prevent additional solar radiation from entering the atmosphere?" The key is the different wavelength (or different frequency) of sol...